Don Bosco Technical Training College
Don Bosco Technical Training College (DBTTC) was registered by NACTE (by then) on 29 July, 2021, in the Subject Area of Business, Tourism and Planning with registration number (REG/BTP/134). The College was fully accredited on 3rd February, 2023 and it was established in the pursuit of provision of Vocational and Technical Teacher Education that would cater for effective teaching pedagogy and capture marketing opportunities in the country in the field of Hospitality Operations & Management. Within these ambitions, the College has thrived to offer also Engineering programs of Civil, Mechatronics and Agriculture in a later stage for youth empowerment and be able to achieve economic self-sufficiency and to improve their lives.
The Don Bosco Technical Training College (DBTTC) has been established to have more and unique shaping roles of enhancing youngsters in society to be able to make a significant contribution to the well-being of their families and communities through honest and upright living. Thus, Don Bosco Technical Training College (DBTTC) has been incepted mainly for the provision of technical education at the Technician Level. In opening up the new door in the field of Technical Training, the Don Bosco Planning and Development Office (Tanzania) based in Dar es Salaam, which is charged with the responsibilities of acting as a link in the activities, funding, and support of projects came out with the idea of establishing the Technical College on this educational context with labour market-based requirements as identified by communities on the ground.
The idea of establishing the College was also championed and envisioned by making gap analysis in the mode of delivery for the technical education system, of which it became evident that most technical training institutions in the country, lack competent trainers and tutors who are well-pedagogically equipped and can effectively be able to impart and transfer knowledge and skills to the technical students.

Our Vision
A centre for excellence in innovation and provision of holistic technical education and training.

Our Mission
1. We are committed to offering quality training to produce technical teachers of the highest competence
2. To impart holistic knowledge and skills to students while molding them to be God-fearing and honest citizens
3. To provide quality, market-driven technical education and training
Our Management

Eng. Dr. Justin P. Mulebya

Fr. Rutechura Oscar
Finance Planning & Administration

Mr. Goodluck Nzowa
Vice Principal Academics Research & Consultancy